Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sorry I haven't been up to date with the blog. With the new year comes a change in
that respect. Well enough cry baby stuff lets get to some dog stuff.

Since the last posting Bayley has gone to Ohio to visit relatives and her dad to Fla (more golf stuff) till after the Holidays. Bogey is still with me every day. Although his tendency has gone from half days to hole days. He gave Uncle Richie a 12 pack of really nice golf balls for Christmas. I don't know who will appreciate them more me or the woods surrounding the golf course. ME!

Let's talk about Sam for a minute. No I'm not talking about a male. It's short for Samantha. And no she does not wiggle her nose and change things. Wait a minute maybe she does. She is a yellow lab that has captured my heart. Sam is a perfect fit for daycare. Although small for the breed she can handle her own playing with any dog but is willing to submit at the proper times. She comes 3 to 4 days a week for 2 to 3 hours. Sam stayed at our house for 5 days and was a wonderful guest. OK she's not perfect, a small problem with shoe thievery but easily taken care of. (put your shoes away) hmmm! Suzy and Dick (Sam's humans)are wonderful with her and are only guilty of spoilage. So what!!
OK who's next? Hmmm I know.
Maggie May is a beautiful Rotty. She is currently about 15 months old and has been coming to daycare since she was just a baby (8 wks or so). Tom and Linda inquired about daycare and their vet suggested they bring their puppy to Planet Canine's daycare because of the excellent care she would receive on the 6 K sq foot padded, climate controlled facility, with outdoor play area. (Was that a commercial, YES!) Well to make a long story longer they called for a daycare evaluation. We set a time and day and all was good. Well when they arrived we did the eval and Maggie passed of course. I've never seen an 8 wk old fail. If they did you would have serious problems. But this was not the case with Maggie May. Let me know if you're bored yet, o that's right you can't. Where was I o ya. So toward the end of the eval Tom said you look familiar and I said you look familiar too. So we talked about the industry since we were both involved at some point in time. Nothing there. Linda asked my name and I told her. She said are you the Richard Mendenhall that went to Mishawaka High School and the answer was yes. Well it turns out we all knew each other in grade school (Beiger School) and then though high school. In fact Tommy and I played football and other stuff together. Don't worry about the other stuff. It was a good time and a wonderful reunion. Any way Maggie May is a welcome addition to our family. You might be able to ty her name to a song of the times. Thanks Tommy and Linda (Brown) Watson.

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